
Sustainable Development Goals

Vaciero is committed to following UN Sustainable Development Goals within its Strategic Plan Framework.

We make this commitment come true by enriching our daily management processes with a series of measures that have a positive impact on our stakeholders, while improving the outcomes of the strategically relevant areas of our organization. Some of these are education, gender equality, quality employment as well as our contribution to a steady economic growth, robust entities and bodies and a fair society. In line with this, we focus our efforts on SDGs No. 4, 5, 8, 16 and 17, as follows.

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Imagen Objetivo 4

ODS 4. Quality education

Education allows a worldwide socioeconomic mobility and is a key source of opportunities. In our specific environment, quality education is the best tool ever to make use of the best current and future talent. Our strategic approach in this respect is twofold as it encourages the most suitable training for our professionals, and, on the other hand, it searches for the highest quality training available, thinking ahead about tomorrow’s demanded talent. Therefore:

  • We promote Vaciero Business Transformation Chair and its Legal and Financial framework at the University of Oviedo for the purposes of encouraging academic excellence and research in the world of business and law.
  • We collaborate with the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Oviedo to obtain and renew the renowned AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) certificate issued by this international to award the best business schools in the world.
  • We have been implemented the ‘Vaciero Fostering Talent’ programme since 2022 aimed at identifying and boosting the best talented students from the University of Oviedo by means of a training and professional scheme. Such schemes give Business and Law double degree undergraduates the chance to know the different areas and offices of the organization and to understand the essence of each professional reality. Candidates are offered permanent contracts and specialized master courses at the end of the programme.
  • We have also signed undergraduate placements cooperation agreements with several education entities such as ESADE Business & Law School, DEUSTO, the University of Oviedo, Madrid Open University (UDIMA), International University of Valencia, etc.
  • Our professionals give lectures and seminars to undergraduates, teachers and the public in general at universities for the purposes of sharing our legal, financial, audit and innovation know-how.
  • We participate in the EFAULAS ASTURIAS programme, an educational programme promoted by the Asturian Family Business Association (AEFAS) which aims to raise knowledge among students in Asturias about the role and relevance of the family business in the economy and society, and its values.
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ODS 5. Gender equality

Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but also the cornerstone to build up a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. In our specific working environment, gender equality is compulsory and a lever to build stable, united and committed teams. Our strategic approach in this matter is focused on eliminating any kind of gender barrier, either when hiring or developing professional careers or when promoting and making women visible, both inside and outside the firm. As a result of this:

  • 75% of our headcount are women.
  • 53% of our partners are women.
  • We encourage equality culture by making female talent visible at our events. Two thirds of our seminars, workshops, conferences or lectures are developed by our female professionals.
  • We have put in place measures to encourage work-life balance, home office and flexi-time.
  • We internally encourage the participation in any kind of event to promote equality such as the Women’s Race.
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ODS 8. Decent work and economic growth

An inclusive and sustainable economic growth may boost progress and improve the living standards of the population. In the firm’s case, our strategy is directed to obtaining a sustainable and balanced growth that bets on productivity, technological update, innovation and quality employment.

  • Vaciero is ranked No. 35 of Spanish law firms’ 2023 Expansion ranking by turnover.
  • Vaciero headcount grew 9.6% in 2022 betting on quality employment. 92% of contracts are permanent.
  • A scheme to update technology has been implemented to increase productivity and improve labour conditions in terms of information access, in-house communication and employee efficiency, as well as to reduce unnecessary commuting and consumption, thus betting on a more sustainable and efficient approach.
  • Innovation is specifically promoted. This way a Business Innovation area was set up in 2022 to help companies to optimize their R&D&I strength. Its didactic approach involves arranging webinars, events, publications, etc., available to the public.  
  • We count on Vaciero Flexi-Plan, which includes flexi-time and home-office in order to promote work-life balance by granting more flexibility to employees’ timetable.  
  • We internally encourage the participation in any kind of event to promote equality such as the Women’s Race.
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ODS 16. Peace, justice and strong institutions

Disputes, insecurity and weak organizations do normally threaten sustainable growth. Vaciero is strongly committed to complying with the legislation in force, based on publically acknowledged values according to our Flying V-shape guide, as part of the on-boarding process of all our professionals. This inspires both internal and external management and decision-making processes in any environment. These values –Persistence, Humanity, Team Vision, Openness and Exactitude- are put into practice as follows:

  • To strictly comply with legal regulations and ethical standards, especially on money laundry and information security, including AENOR certificate ISO27001.
  • In-house training and external awareness to our society in terms of compliance to promote a better management of firms and public entities.
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Imagen Objetivo 17

ODS 17. Partnerships for the goals

To advance and comply with SDGs means solid alliances and collaboration. Likewise, Vaciero’s success can only be achieved and maintained by means of a program to openly interact with its environment and strongly support actions and public- private or non-profit entities that help our society. Some examples are:

  • We count on a network of agreements with international law firms to work on engagements around Europe and South America mostly.  
  • We are members of several Boards, Management Committees or other bodies of business entities, whose targets are the promotion of economic development, innovation or social responsibility, such as Asturian Business Association  (FADE), Family Business Association, The Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, Asturias XXI Commitment, Asturias Quality Club, ITC Cluster and The Chamber of Commerce of Oviedo, among others.